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Canteen Furniture

Canteens are usually found within non commercial operations within educational, industrial or government establishments. Within this food sytem there will be a servery or counter which can either be self service or staffed as opposed to higher class establishments where they would employ the services of waiters to deliver the food product to the table. It will therefore be necessary to plan at the early stages where the servery will be, once this decision has been made and the traffic flow has been established the design team here at online reality can advise on suitable furniture and the best possible layout.

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Tables within school canteens for example will need to be in orderly lines with wide aisles to allow easy circulation access for trolleys collecting returns. Other factors to consider when planning a canteen will be floor fixing or non floor fixing furniture?

The advantages of floor fixing units (we call them fast food units available as 2 seaters, 4 seaters or 6 seaters) are that they will not move around when in use or being cleaned and will therefore keep the layout consistant after a busy lunch or dinner. This will be helpful and time saving for any member of staff working within this environment.

One drawback, however, of using floor fixed furniture is that the designated area can only be used for the purposes of serving and consuming food and this often is not always practical or functional when a hall could be used as a gym, dance floor (school disco!) or conference facility.

We offer a vast range of folding furniture and lightweight polypropelne chairs as a solution to this problem. We supply many schools with Go Pak tables which are brilliant as they are easy to fold away come in a variety of sizes these can be matched up Polypropylene chairs (the Pop chair) which comes in a variety of bold colours and is a firm favorite for schools and colleges or  other establishment. 

So there are many factors to consider when planning a canteen or cafeteria so please consider using our expertise and knowledge when in the early stages of planning to ensure that you have covered all options and are left with the best furniture solution possible.

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