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Office Seating Survey – The Reaction

Company News November 12th 2014

Our 2014 Office Seating Survey drew to a conclusion on Monday.

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the 631 people that completed our survey. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to uncover the statistics that we did.

I’ve been lucky enough to see the data already, however, I don’t want to give too much away. But, one thing I will say is that some of the results are very surprising indeed. Whilst the survey was taking place, I made my own predictions of what the results would be and it's fair to say, I was way off. When I say way off, I mean light years away.

The results are now being put together in a variety of formats, with the intention of making the data more visually compelling for you. I am really looking forward to seeing the results and hearing your thoughts.

Once you’ve seen the results it would be great to hear from you. Has the survey results surprised you? What have you taken away from the survey?

As an incentive, upon completion of the survey each participant have been entered into a prize draw to win a Chiro Ergonomic Task Chair WORTH £322! For all of you that entered, the draw will take place on Friday 14th November at 10am with the winner being contacted immediately.

Once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in our Office Seating Survey.

I’ll leave you with a little teaser. Out of 631 entries received, do you think 35% of entrants are happy, or unhappy with their current office chair?

All will be revealed next week.

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